Press Releases

Babin Responds to President Obama’s Final State of the Union Address

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement this evening in response to President Obama’s final State of the Union address:

“As expected, President Obama used his last State of the Union address as some sort of a delusional victory lap – filled with the same empty rhetoric and broken promises that has come to define his presidency. This is what we’ve come to expect from a failed President who has lost all touch with reality when it comes to the concerns and priorities of average American citizens.

“Instead of lecturing the American people, the President should have used this opportunity to tell the truth, which is that we are at war with radical Islamic terrorism – an enemy that he refuses to even identify.  Sadly, the President has doubled down on his failed and dangerous policies that only embolden the enemy, such as unilaterally closing Guantanamo Bay and importing tens of thousands of poorly-vetted Syrian refugees into the United States.

“Contrary to what President Obama has said, the American people continue to suffer under his policies.  Americans are paying too much for their health care, our nation’s borders remain dangerously porous and federal regulations have reached record levels.  This is not the type of change that Americans want.

“Fortunately, we can take some comfort in the fact this was President Obama’s last State of the Union address.  Looking forward, we must elect a President who will re-prioritize government's greatest responsibility, which is to protect the safety and security of the American people.  We must also realize that we are at war, a war not of our choosing, but a war nonetheless.  It’s time that we rebuild America’s military, secure our borders, suspend our refugee program and restore America’s vital leadership around the world."