Press Releases

Babin: No One Should Be Forced to Violate Their Deeply Held Convictions Against Taking Innocent Life

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) spoke on the House floor on Wednesday in support of the Conscience Protection Act, legislation that passed the House to help ensure medical providers and religious institutions are not forced to participate in abortion services. To watch the video, click here.  Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery:

“Mr. Speaker, this nation was founded by those seeking to escape the coercive forces of governments across Europe.  This basic freedom is under assault today as radical advocates for abortion are using the coercive forces of federal, state and local governments to compel pro-life individuals, businesses and health care providers to act against their deeply held religious convictions in order to keep a job, hold a medical license, or operate a hospital, clinic or health insurance plan.

“No one should be forced to violate their deeply held convictions against taking innocent life. Yet, the Obama Administration has refused to enforce the current conscience law; most recently in California. With passage of our bill, pro-life Americans will no longer be forced to appeal the Administration for relief.  This bill enables Americans to file suit in court and end coercion. I urge my colleagues to vote in support of this very important legislation so that the rights of pro-life Americans are restored.”