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Congressman Introduces ‘No-Brainer’ Deportation Bill

Congressman Introduces ‘No-Brainer’ Deportation Bill
Daily Caller | By Alex Pfeiffer
May 17, 2016

Criminal aliens in the United States are unable to be deported every year due to their home nations refusing to accept the deportation. A congressman introduced a bill Monday he calls a “no-brainer” to solve this issue.

Casey Chadwick, a 25 year old Connecticut woman, was killed by Jean Jacques a Haitian native in 2015. Jacques was an illegal immigrant who previously served time in state prison for attempted murder and upon release was unable to be deported due to Haiti refusing to accept him.

“My bill puts the interests of American citizens, like Casey Chadwick, first,” Texas Rep. Brian Babin said in a statement Monday announcing his legislation.

The Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act of 2016 would withhold foreign aid and visas to countries which refuse to take deported individuals. Additionally, the bill would allow families such as the Chadwicks to sue the federal government.

“This is a simple solution. For those who refuse to take back their citizens, we can and should take away some of their privileges. It’s not a right for them to get U.S. foreign aid,” Babin told The Daily Caller Tuesday. “These 20 or so countries need to join the 100-plus other nations and repatriate folks we are deporting.”

Currently there are 20 Republican co-sponsors and Babin is hoping to get support from Democrat colleagues.

“There is nothing partisan about this bill. Our bill gives the president, regardless of party, another tool to remove these dangerous criminals from our streets. The victims of criminal aliens are not Democrats or Republicans; they are American citizens,” Babin told TheDC. He added, “as elected officials, we took an oath of office to protect the safety and security of the American people and my bill is just a common sense step in fulfilling that promise.”

There has previously been support shown from Democrats. New York Democrat Rep. Carolyn Maloney was at an April hearing and was upset about Haiti refusing to talk Jacques. “Especially when they are ‘allies,’ when we have treaties, when we are literally giving this country aid and yet three times they really made fun of the American government and said no, we are not taking him back, reversing a verbal confirmation they are taking this criminal back,” Maloney said.