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GOP Lawmaker Pushes Effort to Remove Criminal Aliens

GOP Lawmaker Pushes Effort to Remove Criminal Aliens
BREITBART | by Caroline May
May 17, 2016

Countries that refuse to take back their citizens who have committed crimes in the U.S. should be denied foreign aid and travel visas, according to Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX).

“In just the past three years, the Obama Administration has allowed tens of thousands of dangerous criminal aliens back onto U.S. Streets – including 14,000 in Texas alone,” Babin says in a statement. “Hundreds of Americans have died at the hands of these criminal aliens, and to make things worse, some of them were simply let go because their countries of origin refused to take them back.”

Since 2013, the Obama administration has released more than 86,200 criminal aliens, some of the whom were released because their country of origin refused to accept them back.

Babin specifically highlighted the 2015 murder of Casey Chadwick, a 25-year-old Connecticut woman, killed by an illegal immigrant from Haiti. Jean Jacques, the illegal immigrant convicted for Chadwick’s murder, had served 17-years in prison for attempted murder, but was still in the U.S. because his native Haiti refused to take him back.

According to CBS News, immigration officials had been trying to deport him since 2002, when he was still in prison. Since Haiti would not take him, officials released him back into the U.S.

Friday Babin introduced legislation that would withhold foreign aid and travel visas from country that refuse to take back their own citizens.

“My bill puts the interests of American citizens, like Casey Chadwick, first,” Babin said.

The “Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act of 2016” specifically aims to “withhold Federal financial assistance from each country that denies or unreasonably delays the acceptance of nationals of such country who have been ordered removed from the United States and to prohibit the issuance of visas to nationals of such country.”

According to the Texas lawmaker, it is “absolutely insane” that the U.S. allows criminal aliens to be released back into American communities when their own countries refuse to accept them.

“[M]y bill holds uncooperative countries accountable by stripping them of U.S. foreign aid and travel visas,” he said.

The legislation has 20 co-sponsors.