Press Releases

Babin Slams FBI Director’s Decision Not to Prosecute Hillary Clinton

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement today in response to FBI Director James Comey’s decision that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should not be prosecuted for her "extremely careless" mishandling of classified information:

“We are at a dangerous place as a nation when the nation’s top law enforcement officials essentially rewrite the law for the connected and privileged. The decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for violating the law follows on the heels of very questionable private meetings that the Attorney General had with President Obama and former President Bill Clinton. The FBI Director stated clearly that Clinton broke the law by being 'extremely careless' in handling the most secret of national security information, but he has decided to create a second test that in order to be prosecuted it must be proven that she did so with intent to harm the United States.

“Once again we have a new standard for the powerful and connected – the very thing our nation’s founders warned us against. This is another outrageous and dangerous abuse of power, which undermines the rule of law. We may never know how much damage was caused by Clinton’s callous disregard for the law and our national security secrets. Were informants lost, compromised or killed due to her negligence? Do foreign intelligence services retain the tens of thousands of emails from her private unsecured server that can now be used against the United States? We have a duty to find out. Perhaps we should ask the Russians and Chinese to turn over the emails she deleted.”