Press Releases

Babin: Orlando Terrorist Attack Another Sobering Reminder of Threat We Face From Radical Islam

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement today in response to the Orlando terrorist attack:

“The Orlando terrorist attack is yet another sobering reminder that our nation is under attack from Islamic Jihadists. This follows similar terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Chattanooga, Ft. Hood and Boston. As our hearts and prayers go out to those who lost loved ones, it is critical that we begin to take the necessary actions to protect the American people from such evil. I’m disappointed that President Obama once again suggested gun control as the solution, because that simply diverts attention from the underlying problem which is the ideology that motivates Islamic Jihadist.

“For nearly a year, I have been leading the charge in Congress to halt our refugee program and have secured the support of 85 of my colleagues. With nearly 900 ISIS-related investigations ongoing across America, it is long overdue that we push the stop button on the failed refugee resettlement program. Clearly, this program is failing the American people and putting the safety and security of the American people at greater risk. It’s time we put political correctness aside and end the President's rush to admit 10,000 poorly screened Syrian refugees before he leaves office.”