Press Releases

Babin Votes to Restore State Flexibility Over Ozone Standards

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) on Wednesday, June 8th, voted to pass the Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2016 (H.R. 4775), legislation that he cosponsored to allow states the opportunity to pursue cost-effective and practical ways to implement the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s ozone standards.

“As the representative of the 36th District of Texas, which has more petrochemical facilities than any other district in the country, I understand the unique impact and extreme difficulties that the EPA’s new ozone regulations will impose on our jobs and economy in Southeast Texas,” said Rep. Babin. “The EPA’s proposed regulations are unnecessary, unworkable and will destroy thousands of American jobs – with few areas feeling the impact more than Southeast Texas. In fact, Yellowstone National Park, which has no industry, cannot even comply with these extreme regulations. Our bipartisan legislation allows states to address ozone levels through an open, transparent and fair process that improves air quality without adding job killing and unachievable regulations.”