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Bill would cut off foreign aid to countries that don’t take criminals back

Bill would cut off foreign aid to countries that don’t take criminals back
The Hill | May 25, 2016 | Link

Republican lawmaker Brian Babin (R-Texas) is spearheading an effort to cut off foreign aid and visas to countries that refuse to take back citizens who enter the United States illegally and commit violent crimes.

Babin has introduced the Criminal Alien Deportation Act of 2016. It would require the Homeland Security Department to submit to Congress every 90 days a list of countries refusing to accept back citizens who commit crimes in the U.S.

The bill would also stop travel visa programs and cut foreign aid to uncooperative countries.

“This really has to do with folks who are aliens here, who have committed crimes, many of them, thousands of these crimes, violent crimes,” Babin said. “When their countries of origin are not taking them back it endangers American citizens.”

Watch The Hill's video to learn what prompted Rep. Babin to draft the bill.