Press Releases

Babin Leads Effort to Add Stronger Refugee Security Measures to Homeland Security Funding Bill

Over 50 Members Join Him in Urging House Appropriators to Include Bipartisan SAFE Act Language

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) announced today that 53 of his colleagues have joined him in asking the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee to include language in their upcoming spending bill that would apply much-needed enhanced security measures to America’s refugee resettlement program the House overwhelmingly approved under the SAFE Act (H.R. 4038) on November 19, 2015.

“This week we witnessed the latest in a series of deadly attacks led by radical Islamic terrorists who have capitalized on the generous immigration and refugee polices of European leaders,” said Babin. “Despite promises by ISIS to take advantage of America’s refugee program, President Obama is unilaterally increasing the number of Syrian refugees allowed entry into the U.S. by tens of thousands. Top officials throughout the government have indicated that they cannot properly vet these refugees for national security risks.”

“We cannot and should not allow this to happen on our watch and to be funded under appropriations bills that we approve. I am pleased that over 50 of my colleagues have joined me in sending this letter to make sure that those seeking to enter the U.S. as refugees from Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, or Yemen have been subjected to the highest level of scrutiny.”

Co-signers (54): Brian Babin, Dave Brat, Paul Cook, Randy Weber, Blake Farenthold, Pete Sessions, John Fleming, Jason Smith, Louie Gohmert, Jim Bridenstine, Richard Hudson, Jeff Duncan, Bill Posey, Jeb Hensarling, Buddy Carter, Tom Emmer, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Sam Johnson, Ryan Zinke, Barry Loudermilk, Matt Salmon, John Shimkus, Bradley Byrne, Pete Olson, Tom Marino, Trey Gowdy, Lou Barletta, Bill Flores, Lamar Smith, John Ratcliffe, Vicky Hartzler, Tom McClintock, Dan Newhouse, David Rouzer, Mark Walker, Bruce Westerman, Doug LaMalfa, Phil Roe, Steve Chabot, Trent Franks, Cynthia Lummis, Randy Neugebauer, David McKinley, French Hill, Frank Guinta, Adrian Smith, Robert E. Latta, Glen Thompson, Roger Williams, Mike Bishop, Diane Black, Ted Yoho, Michael Burgess, and Jeff Miller.