Press Releases

Babin: Iraqi Refugee Terror Plot Underscores Need to Immediately Suspend Program

Houston Area Congressman Promises to Continue His Efforts to Stop Obama’s Reckless Refugee Policies

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36), who is leading the charge in Congress to stop President Obama’s plans to bring in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into the U.S., issued the following statement today after two Iraqi refugees were arrested in Houston and Sacramento in an ongoing ISIS terrorism investigation:

“This is exactly why I'm working so hard to suspend America’s broken U.N.-led refugee resettlement program and stop President Obama’s ill-advised plans to expand the program. We’ve been warned by Obama’s own DHS, DNI and FBI directors that they cannot properly vet these folks – and ISIS is delivering on their promise to exploit the program. This serves as yet another wakeup call to anyone who has doubts about the real and imminent threat we face from Obama’s dangerous and reckless refugee policies. We must act now. Further delay is not an option.”