Press Releases

Babin Urges House to Not Give Up on Fight to Stop Obama’s Dangerous Refugee Policies in Final Spending Bill

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36), who is leading the effort with the support of 74 of his colleagues to include a provision in the year-end spending bill to pause and scrutinize the refugee resettlement program, took to the House floor last night to urge his colleagues to not give up on using the power of the purse to stop President Obama’s dangerous and reckless refugee policies. To watch the video, please click here. The transcript of his speech is as follows:

“Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join me in using the power of the purse to stop the reckless policies of President Obama that leave the citizens of the United States vulnerable. Americans overwhelming support this. The FBI, DNI and DHS have testified that they cannot fully screen the thousands of refugees that the President wants to bring in from Syria, Somalia, Iraq and other regions with high rates of terrorism. Illegal immigrants from Syria, Libya, Somalia and other hotbeds of terrorism continue to test the openness of our Southern border.

“The loopholes in the screening of immigrants from hotbeds of terrorism are being exploited and the Administration opposes closing them.  This House has one chance with the end of the year appropriations bill to stop these dangerous policies. This Member of Congress will vote against any bill rushed to the floor that fails to stop these reckless policies.  Let’s put aside political correctness, criticism from foreign nationals that leave Americans vulnerable. This is our chance to stop future attacks like those in San Bernardino, Paris, Chattanooga, Garland and Ft. Hood. The lives of these American Citizens are worth it – indeed, they cry out for it.”