Press Releases

Babin Leads Congressional Letter Urging Canadian Prime Minister to Not Give Up On Keystone XL Pipeline

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36) was joined by 14 of his colleagues today in sending a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau requesting that the Canadian government hold off on authorizing any contingency plans for Keystone XL -- such as re-routing the pipeline to Canada’s western shore -- until the end of next year, in order to be certain that we do not lose this opportunity if our next president supports building the pipeline.

“America is in the midst of a great debate that will culminate next year with the election of our 45th President,” the letter says.  “After President Obama leaves office, decisions such as approval of the Keystone XL pipeline will fall upon his successor.  Simply put, if the American People choose a president who supports building Keystone XL, that president can reverse this misguided decision and authorize the project the day he or she takes office.”

Co-signers include: Babin (TX), Fleming (LA), Gibbs (OH), Poe (TX), Duncan (SC), Jenkins (KS), Lummis (WY), Farenthold (TX), Rouzer (NC), Loudermilk (GA), Brooks (AL), Zinke (MT), Williams (TX), Miller (FL), and Mulvaney (SC).