Press Releases

Babin Denounces President Obama’s Nuclear Deal with Iran

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36) spoke on the House floor today to condemn President Obama’s announced “nuclear deal” with Iran, which falls short of preventing a nuclear-armed Iran and puts the security of the American people at risk. To view video of Babin’s House floor speech, please click here.  The transcript of his speech is as follows:

“President Obama has made a ‘deal’ with the Islamic Republic of Iran – a terrorist regime that regularly leads chants of ‘Death to America,’ burns our flag, and has killed hundreds of American soldiers.

“In April, Energy Secretary Moniz said inspectors would have ‘anywhere, anytime access’ to Iran’s civil and military sites. Unfortunately, this deal sets forth no such requirement. Under the deal, inspectors can only ask for permission to access Iranian military sites, like their fortified underground facility in Fordow.

“Decisions about access will be left to Iran’s leaders, who have said that inspectors will not be permitted to inspect military sites, even ‘in their dreams.’

“This deal doesn’t require the release of the American hostages being held by Iran’s government. It has no acknowledgement by Iran of Israel’s right to exist. These provisions would signal that Iran is serious about changing their ways.  But they have said no. And that’s why Congress should reject this bad deal. I yield back.”