Press Releases

Babin Votes to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement today after voting for House passage of H.R. 3, the Keystone XL Pipeline Act:

“For far too long, President Obama has impeded construction of the Keystone XL pipeline – costing the American people thousands of good-paying jobs and blocking an affordable source of energy. In the face of his continued obstruction, I proudly joined a strong bipartisan group of my colleagues voting to put an end to Obama’s obstruction and approving the Keystone XL pipeline.

“This legislation is not only good for America, but it is also uniquely important to the 36th District of Texas. The pipeline will bring an economic boost to our area through its construction and new energy supply. For six years President Obama has put politics above what is good for the American people and our local and national economy. This is an important step in putting more Americans back to work, creating opportunity to good jobs and growing our national economy.”