Press Releases

Babin Calls for an End to IRS Abuse on Tax Day

Votes to Rein in Agency Misconduct

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36) spoke on the House floor today in support of a series of House-passed bills aimed at protecting hard-working taxpayers and holding IRS agency officials accountable. To view video of Babin’s House floor speech, please click here. The transcript of his speech is as follows:

“Mr. Speaker, today is Tax Day – bringing us another painful reminder of our broken federal tax code which is being enforced at the heavy and many times unfair hands of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

“Simply put, American taxpayers are sick and tired of this out-of-control agency. The IRS has grown too large, too powerful, too aggressive, and too involved in the everyday lives of the American people.

“Today the House will pass a series of bills to end this abuse and we invite the U.S. Senate and President to join us. Our bills will protect hard-working taxpayers and hold IRS employees accountable.

“We create a Taxpayer Bill of Rights – ensuring American taxpayers are treated with the respect they deserve. We will take steps to end the politicization of the IRS which abusively and illegally targeted conservative American citizens.

“From lost emails to refusing to testify before Congress, the IRS abuses must end. I urge my colleagues to support these common-sense bills to bring transparency and accountability to this runaway agency. Thank you, and I yield back.”