BEAUMONT - Health Care has been a topic of political discussion since even before President Trump took office in January. Despite protests going on across the country, Republican officials are still continuing to try and make headway in an effort to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Representative Brian Babin says it's time for the U.S. Senate to move the bill along.
“Insurance companies are bailing out(of Obamacare),” said Representative Babin. “It is time to replace and repeal. It is up to the United States Senate now. President Trump knows that this is something that we need to get done.”
One of the problems Babin sees with Obamacare?
“Obamacare is such that you can wait till you’re riding to the hospital in an ambulance before you buy your insurance,” said Representative Babin. “It's like having a house on the beach and you don't have coverage. No wind storm. No flood. You see a hurricane coming so you get on the phone and call the insurance company ‘Hey I need some flood insurance now.’ That's not the way it works.”
And part of the solution?
“We have to give people the freedom to choose, and get back to the doctor patient relationship that we have enjoyed for decades and decades,” explained Babin.
However, critics on the democratic side say republicans are not offering real solutions. And the congressional budget office estimate that enacting the American Health Care Act would reduce federal deficits by $119 billion over the coming decade,but will increase the number of people who are uninsured by 23 million.
For now, it's a game of wait and see if the republican led congress can breathe life into a bill, that is on the brink.