Press Releases

Babin Applauds ExxonMobil’s $20 Billion Investment in U.S. Gulf Region

Washington, DC – U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, applauded ExxonMobil’s announcement today that it is expanding its manufacturing capacity along the U.S. Gulf Coast through a $20 billion investment over a 10-year period, including investments in Baytown, Texas.  According to ExxonMobil, the new projects are expected to create more than 45,000 high-paying American jobs across the region and thousands more through the multiplier effect.

“This is more good news for our community, Texas and the United States,” said Rep. Babin.  “The decision by ExxonMobil to invest another $20 billion here in the United States demonstrates their commitment to the American people and the American worker.  It will create tens of thousands of jobs, following on the billions of dollars invested in our region over just the past few years.  Congress and the Trump Administration have been working overtime to create a jobs-friendly environment that says to companies—who could go anywhere else in the world—that America is open for business and we want you to invest and create jobs here at home. Today’s announcement is another positive step in that direction.”