Press Releases

Babin Votes Against Budget Deal, Opposes $1.5 Trillion Federal Debt Limit Increase

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement today after voting against H.R. 1314, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015:

“This budget deal is exactly why the American people are so fed up with Washington. I couldn’t be more disappointed and frustrated with both the substance of this budget-busting agreement, as well as the way it was negotiated in secret and rushed through Congress.

“With a $19 trillion national debt, it’s unfathomable that Congress would simply hand this Administration another $1.5 trillion debt ceiling increase without any meaningful spending cuts or reforms in return. For that reason alone, I could not support this ill-conceived measure.

“Sadly, this budget will only solidify President Obama’s legacy of unprecedented debt and spending, which has caused the United States to accumulate as much debt in eight years as the entire 232 years from George Washington through George W. Bush.”