Opinion Pieces

Babin recognizes Constitution Day

Babin recognizes Constitution Day
By Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) | The Orange Leader

On September 17, 1787, thirty-nine American visionaries applied their signatures to one of the greatest documents in human history, the United States Constitution. In doing so they risked everything, including their very lives. On this day, each year, Americans pause to recognize Constitution Day – which provides us time to reflect on our nation’s founding document.

As we celebrate this tremendous achievement 228 years later, Constitution Day serves as a reminder that so many of our bedrock freedoms are under attack. With such critical issues facing our nation and an uncertain and perilous future, we must recommit ourselves to preserving the Constitutional liberties for which so many American patriots have selflessly given their lives to defend.

During the deliberations of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, it is reported that when asked whether we had a republic or a monarchy as he emerged from the deliberations, Benjamin Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Those words included a warning – that we must remain vigilant to protect our republic. As the power of the federal government and the courts has grown, Benjamin Franklin’s warning is very relevant to us today.

We must ensure all three branches of government are held accountable to the American people and the U.S. Constitution. No one is above the law, including the President and his Administration, which has shown a blatant disregard for the Constitutional principles of limited government and individual responsibility.

In an effort to defend the Constitution and restore the separation of powers, the House of Representatives filed a federal lawsuit against the President in 2014 in response to one of his unconstitutional executive orders to spend money on Obamacare that the Congress had not authorized.

We received welcome news a couple of weeks ago when a federal court ruled that the House of Representatives has a legitimate case against the President. Only Congress can write laws. The House of Representatives must protect its Constitutional rights over federal spending and reject President Obama’s executive overreach.

I have also been leading the charge against the President’s unconstitutional executive amnesty at every turn, as well his constant refusal to faithfully execute our nation’s laws. However, more must be done and we must fight harder.

We must also work to overcome Senate “traditions” and “supermajorities” that have put up a wall against the good legislation we have passed in the House to curtail this President’s bad policies. The American people deserve better and our Constitution demands it.

As the representative of the 36th Congressional District of Texas, I am steadfastly committed to defending our nation’s founding document at all costs, as well as fighting tirelessly for the principles of limited government, freedom and liberty.

With our Constitutional republic threatened at home and abroad, we must remain tireless in our pursuit to defend the Constitution and the rule of law. Indeed, we are a nation governed by law not personalities.

With each vote I take on behalf of the people of the 36th Congressional District of Texas, I am reminded of my oath to defend the Constitution, and I will continue to use the Constitution as my guide.

Dr. Brian Babin is the U.S. Congressional Representative for the 36th District
