Press Releases

Babin Introduces Bill to Restrict Funding for the United Nations

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36) today introduced legislation (H.R. 2757) to prohibit any taxpayer funds from being voluntarily donated to the United Nations (U.N.) or U.N. related agencies.

“With more than an $18 trillion national debt, its past time that the United States stops financing an international body that routinely opposes our priorities and values,” said Rep. Babin. “The United Nations continues to promote issues that run counter to our Constitutional rights and national sovereignty – including Global Warming initiatives, the Small Arms Trade Treaty and initiatives that weaken the security of our close-ally Israel.

“With over $4 billion in U.S. tax dollars going to United Nations programs each year, our bill will help make sure that we aren’t burdening future generations with more debt to fund inefficient, ineffective and unaffordable programs that too often undermine our direct national interests.”