In The News

EDITORIAL: Babin's drone bill is type of representation region needs

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EDITORIAL: Babin's drone bill is type of representation region needs Beaumont Enterprise By Enterprise editorial staff February 19, 2016 Link Congressman Brian Babin's legislation to restrict drone flights over petrochemical plants is not just a worthy idea. It's a good example of the kind of basic representation that more U.S. House members should engage in instead of pointless…

Beaumont Enterprise: Babin: Watch out for drones

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Babin: Watch out for drones Beaumont Enterprise By Brandon Scott  February 13, 2016 Link With plants and refineries fearful of safety and espionage threats posed by drones, a Southeast Texas congressman wants strict new guidelines for operating unmonitored aircraft near those facilities. U.S. Rep. Brian Babin has offered two amendments to the Aviation Innovation, Reform and…

Rep. Babin: Defund Refugee Resettlement

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Rep. Babin: Defund Refugee Resettlement NEWSMAX | By John Gizzi | Tuesday, 08 Dec 2015 | LINK Rep. Brian Babin hit back hard at the White House Monday over its opposition to his proposal to bar tax dollars from the Office of Refugee Resettlement in the federal spending bill. Babin told me that suspending the process of refugee requests for six months was something President…

Forts to Ports: Interstate 14 to provide much-needed upgrade to military deployment routes in Texas

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Forts to Ports: Interstate 14 to provide much-needed upgrade to military deployment routes in Texas Beaumont Business Journal | By Kevin King | Link An amendment to H.R. 22, the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2015, authorizing a new interstate that will improve military deployment routes from Army forts in Texas to the state’s ports was signed into law by…

Rep. Brian Babin: U.S. Should Bar Syrian Refugees to Protect Communities

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Newsmax TV's "Newsmax Now" By Todd Beamon | Tuesday, 01 Dec 2015 | Link Local communities "need to be warned" of Syrian refugees being settled in their neighborhoods, Rep. Brian Babin told Newsmax TV on Tuesday. "They need to be forewarned ... because they have little to no say from these federal contractors of these refugees that come into their communities," the Texas…

East Texas WWII veteran awarded Bronze Star of Valor medal after 73 years

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Tags: Veterans

After 73 years of waiting, East Texas WWII veteran Raymond Hopson was finally presented with the Bronze Star of Valor Friday afternoon. Hopson served his country honorably, fighting bravely in Europe, where he earned the award in battle. However, after coming home from the war, he was never given the medal. "He was in a hurry to get away from there and come home,” said Raymond…

Support Grows for Rep. Babin Plan to Defund Refugee Plan

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SUPPORT GROWS FOR REP. BABIN PLAN TO DEFUND SYRIAN REFUGEE PLAN Breitbart | by Caroline May | Link A letter to House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY) requesting that the year-end spending bill feature language to fully defund refugee resettlement to the U.S. has 57 co-signers, according to the letter’s author Rep. Brian Babin…

Vietnam veteran receives belated Purple Heart in Woodville

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Tags: Veterans

Vietnam veteran receives belated Purple Heart in Woodville Beaumont Enterprise By Manuella Libardi | Nov. 12, 2015 Link On May 13, 1969, Craig Metcalf crouched down on the ridges of Hill 937 in South Vietnam, putting pressure with his hand on a wound he had sustained to his upper-right thigh. The 21-year-old radio and telephone operator from Woodville had been moving up the steep…

President Obama rejects Keystone XL project

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President Obama rejects Keystone XL project Beaumont Business Journal | November 9, 2015 | Link President Barack Obama rejected the proposed Keystone XL pipeline Friday, Nov. 6. The announcement came days after TransCanada, the company building the pipeline, asked that its permit application be paused due to another challenge to the project in Nebraska. "This morning, Secretary…

Measure would make ATF speed up rulings on new bullet types

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Measure would make ATF speed up rulings on new bullet types 10/26/15 | by Chris Eger | A Republican-backed bill with the strong support of gun rights groups aims to speed up how the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives approves the next crop of alternative ammunition types. The measure, introduced Thursday by U.S. Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, with 16 GOP…