Press Releases

Babin Introduces the SCOTUScare Act; Legislation Requiring Supreme Court Justices to Sign Up for Obamacare

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Brian Babin (TX-36) issued the following statement today after introducing the SCOTUScare Act (H.R. 2905), which finally eliminates their exemption and requires all U.S. Supreme Court Justices and their employees to sign up for Obamacare:

“As the Supreme Court continues to ignore the letter of the law, it’s important that these six individuals understand the full impact of their decisions on the American people.  That’s why I introduced the SCOTUScare Act to require the Supreme Court and all of its employees to sign up for Obamacare.  By eliminating their exemption from Obamacare, they will see firsthand what the American people are forced to live with!”

To view the full text of the SCOTUScare Act, please click here.