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12NewsNow: Park Ranger awarded for rescue operation

A Texas Park Ranger was honored today for saving lives during Tyler County flooding. Park Ranger, Mike Hughes was given a congressional award for making several high water rescues.

On May 27th, 2016, the dam at Lake Amanda was breached by heavy rainfall. The flooding threatened the lives of many in the Tyler County area.

"This was a very specific heroic deed by Hughes,” said Brian Babin, congressman for 36th District of Texas.

This deeds helped save the lives of thirteen people, including an injured elderly woman stranded at her lake home near Lake Amanda.

"The water was rising so fast and he had a real hard time getting her out,” said Babin. “Hughes loader her up single handedly on the rescue boat and got her out of a bad situation.”

"It's exciting but it wasn’t possible without everyone that was there that night and played a part,” said Mike Hughes, a Park Ranger for the National Park Service.

After receiving the award, Hughes says that nothing has changes and he plans on continuing to serve the community.