Press Releases

Babin Votes Yes on Budget Resolution to Restore Fiscal Responsibility and Secure America’s Future

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Brian Babin (R-TX), Chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee voted in favor of H. Con. Res. 14, the House Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2025.

“It’s time to finally make our government efficient and accountable before we bankrupt the country and foreclose on our children’s future. This bill addresses the cost-of-living crisis by curbing out-of-control government spending, locking in tax cuts for families and small businesses, unleashing domestic energy production, and eliminating bureaucratic waste and fraud. Additionally, it prioritizes national security by providing critical resources to secure the border and rebuild military readiness,” said Congressman Babin. “This budget resolution outlines the fiscal framework needed to advance President Trump’s America First agenda.”
