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Congressmen pledge support for Ike Dike

Congressmen pledge support for Ike Dike
Houston Chronicle | July 6, 2017 

Two-Houston area congressmen toured their Gulf Coast districts by helicopter Thursday afternoon to better understand efforts at building the so-called Ike Dike coastal barrier, and pledged their ongoing support in Congress for the project.

Repbulican congressmen Randy Weber and Brian Babin pointed to issues that extend beyond the Gulf Coast, including national security and the economy, in their statement of support for the project.


The barrier would help mitigate damage from future hurricanes and floods in Houston and surrounding coastal areas.

The congressmen said they both support a letter signed by more than 60 Texas state leaders in April urging President Donald Trump to provide $15 billion for the barrier as part of his planned $1 trillion national infrastructure project, though emphasized that cost estimates are still ongoing.