Babin Bulletin | March 29, 2015 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email
U.S. Congressman Brian Babin
House Passes Balanced Budget
Plan for a Stronger America
I proudly supported a responsible House budget plan this week that would lead us towards a balanced budget, a healthier economy, and a stronger national defense – all without raising taxes. I was also one of 132 Republicans to support the more conservative budget that would put us on a path to a balanced budget even sooner. Our plan cuts $5.5 trillion in wasteful spending, repeals Obamacare, and boosts national defense spending above the President's request. This is in stark contrast to President Obama’s irresponsible budget proposal which never balances while calling for record taxes, spending and debt. The American people deserve common sense solutions that end wasteful government spending, reduce the national debt and support our men and women in uniform – and our plan does exactly that.
Babin Recognizes Scott Kelly's Historic Space Mission
On the eve of NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly's historic year-long mission to the International Space Station, I spoke on the House floor to wish him the best as he prepares to make history as the first American to spend an entire year continuously in space. As the proud representative of Johnson Space Center, I had the
pleasure of meeting with Scott Kelly several
times to discuss his upcoming mission. We thank him for his heroic commitment, leadership and dedication to advancing America’s human space flight program. To view a video of my House floor speech recognizing Scott Kelly, please click here.
Obamacare: Five Years Later
This week marked the 5th anniversary of Obamacare. Since then, Washington has spent $42 billion in regulatory costs including over $1.5 billion on a failed website. Costs of health insurance have also spiraled upwards and millions lost the health care they wanted to keep as well as access to their family doctors. While I've kept my promise and voted with the House majority to repeal Obamacare, the Senate has not followed our lead. Regardless, I remain fully committed to fighting as hard as I can to abolish Obamacare piece by piece.
Babin Earns Benjamin Franklin Award
I’m proud to have earned the 60 Plus Association's Benjamin Franklin Award for my strong commitment to repealing the “death tax” and protecting family owned farms, ranches and small businesses in Texas. The “death tax” is wrong and must be repealed as it only punishes hardworking farmers and ranchers who want to hand down their small business to the next generation.
Babin in the News
Babin introduces first bill
(The Baytown Sun)

Babin breakfast meet and greet
draws a crowd

(The Vidorian)
Snap-shots from the Week

Had a great visit with Lamar University President Dr. Kenneth Evans. As a proud alumni of Lamar University, it was great to see Dr. Evans in Washington and discuss how we can help the university.

I had the pleasure of meeting  with Jeannie Kranz and former NASA Astronaut Scott Altman to discuss NASA's Space Launch System and the Orion Spacecraft.  
Video of the Week

At a committee hearing focused on the EPA's destruction of public records, I questioned a former EPA official on the agency's culture of secrecy. To see what he had to say, please click here.