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Take Our Fall Constituent Survey
Please take a brief moment to participate in our most recent constituent survey. There are many important issues facing our nation and your participation will allow me to better represent you in Congress. To take the survey, please click here.
Rep. Babin meets with constituents to discuss federal issues before Congress. Click here to take the survey. |
1. When it comes to tax reform, do you support across the board tax relief for:
(_) American workers (_) American employers (_) Both
2. Do you support the President's decision to end Obamacare’s bailout of health insurance companies?
(_) Yes (_) No (_) Unsure
3. Do you support the EPA’s decision to end the previous administration's practice of “sue and settle” that was used to cut deals behind closed doors with environmental groups?
(_) Yes (_) No (_) Unsure
4. Do you support the President's proposed southern border wall?
(_) Yes (_) No (_) Unsure
5. Do you support the President's decision to decertify Obama’s Iran nuclear deal and put forth a new strategy to confront Iran?
(_) Yes (_) No (_) Unsure
6. Should we cut off federal aid to “sanctuary cities” that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials to deport criminal aliens?
(_) Yes (_) No (_) Unsure
7. The President cut the number of refugees from 110,000 a year under Obama to 45,000 for 2018? Do you think 45,000 refugees a year is:
(_) Too Little (_) About Right (_) Not Low Enough
8. Do you support the E-Verify system that requires companies to employ only individuals who are legally allowed to work in the United States?
(_) Yes (_) No (_) Unsure
9. Do you support a Constitutional Amendment to protect unborn babies?
(_) Yes (_) No (_) Unsure
President Scales Back Refugee Influx |
President Trump recently announced that his administration will be cutting the number of refugees from 110,000 a year under Obama to 45,000 for 2018. While I believe this number is still too large, the President has taken a very positive step forward by reducing the previous administration's expansion of the UN-led refugee resettlement program. Additionally, the President is implementing stronger refugee screening measures in order to stop terrorists from infiltrating our refugee program from hotspots of terrorism across the Middle East. I commend the President for these actions as one of the first bills I introduced in Congress was legislation to immediately pause the refugee program from terror prone regions pending more stringent vetting procedures.
Babin: It's Time We Reduce Taxes for Hardworking Americans and Businesses |
President Trump and Republicans in Congress recently unveiled a unified framework on tax relief and simplifying our broken tax code. Having grown to over 70,000 pages long, most Americans agree that the current tax code is too costly, complex and burdensome. This framework provides a unified path forward that will lead to bigger paychecks for middle class Americans, along with more jobs and greater economic freedom.
A few important highlights from the framework include:
✔ Enabling taxpayers to file taxes on a postcard
✔ Closing loopholes and lowering tax rates
✔ Doubling the standard deduction so families keep more of their paychecks
✔ Consolidating seven tax brackets to three
✔ Increasing the child tax credit and implementing the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2017 |