Babin Bulletin | July 21, 2024 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email

Calling for Kimberly Cheatle's Resignation
Kimberly Cheatle has proven herself to be incapable of doing her job: protecting current or past presidents.

Under her inept leadership, lives are at stake.

She must resign immediately.

To read article, please click here.
Suspected Terrorists Are Here
“...from one end of the United States to the other, intelligence failures between government departments have allowed potential terrorists over the border.”

Suspected terrorists are here because this administration cares more about politics than your safety.

To read article, please click here.
We Must Have Answers
We must have answers for the gross national security failure that took the life of an innocent and nearly ended the life of Donald Trump.

To read article, please click here.
Biden to Announce Support for Major Changes to the Supreme Court
 The Left will create any way to move the goalposts and enact their radical agenda.

Biden's Supreme Court "reforms" will never pass a Republican-held House.

To read article, please click here.
An Agenda That Keeps Americans Last
Biden immediately stopped wall construction when he entered the White House, leaving massive gaps along our border.

For nearly four years, he’s put illegal immigrants FIRST and Americans LAST.

To read article, please click here.
 Federal Appeals Court Blocks Biden's $475 Billion Student Loan Bailout
 The Supreme Court has already deemed Biden’s student loan bailout unconstitutional.

Now, a federal court has blocked his continued implementation of this bailout.

Yet still, Biden pushes to force you to pay the debt of others.

To read article, please click here.
Judge Dismisses Trump's Florida Classified Documents Case
"The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution…”

This is further proof that the Biden DOJ is a sham.

To read article. please click here.
Absolutely Wrong
California passed a law banning school districts from notifying parents if their child chooses to be transgender.

Progressive Democrats are taking away parental rights. It’s wrong!

To read article, please click here.
Commemorating Apollo 11
Fifty-five years ago yesterday, we achieved one of the greatest feats in history – landing humans on the lunar surface.

To this day, America is the only nation to do it – and we did it five more times.

“Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.” – Neil Armstrong

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Recovering From Hurricane Beryl
 If you received hurricane damage – please report it by clicking the link below.

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You can also use the following QR code to track any new storms that head our way!

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Let Us Help You
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.

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Let us work on your behalf!

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