Babin Bulletin | May 19, 2024 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email

Another Successful Telephone Town Hall
Thank you to the thousands of TX-36 residents who joined Tuesday night’s Telephone Town Hall (TTH).

We discussed various topics, from flood recovery resources to election integrity to Biden’s open borders!

If you’d like to join my next TTH – sign up by clicking here.
Congress Launches Probe Into Groups Funding Pro-Hamas Unrest on College Campuses
Americans should know who is bankrolling the violent antisemitic riots plaguing college campuses across the nation.

They’re not happening by chance.

To read article, please click here.
House Democrats Continue to Reject Common Sense
Deporting illegal aliens who attack U.S. police officers makes sense.

It's too bad that the vast majority of House Democrats didn't think so, as 148 voted against the bill.

To read article, please click here.
New Data Reveals Illegal Immigrants Eluding Border Patrol Spiked Under Biden
 "...there were more gotaways in FY21-23 (1.6 million) than the decade of FY 2010 and FY 2020 (1.4 million)...”

Joe Biden has spent his presidency deliberately opening America's borders to threats from around the world.

To read article, please click here.
Inflation Puts More Retirees at Risk of Running Out of Money
Retirees are draining their savings to make ends meet.

Bidenomics is ruining the futures that countless Americans worked so hard to establish.

To read article, please click here.
The Senate Must Pass the SAVE Act
Now more than ever – it’s critical we make sure ONLY American citizens vote in U.S. elections.

The SAVE Act ensures free and fair elections remain a founding pillar of our nation.

Let’s get this bill signed into law!

To read article, please click here.
Speaking at Lamar University's Commencement Ceremony
It was a privilege to serve as the keynote speaker for Lamar University’s commencement ceremony last Friday.

As a Cardinal alumnus, I was honored to have an opportunity to celebrate Lamar’s 100th year and congratulate so many for achieving this milestone!
No Coincidence
Under Biden, we’ve seen over a 2,500% increase in suspected terrorists crossing the southern border.

This is no coincidence.

How many were successful in their attempt to sneak into America?

How many were caught and released by this administration?

To read article, please click here.
Bringing Home the Trophy
  The Republican team took home the trophy over the Democrats at the Congressional Clay Competition last week!

Thanks to the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation for hosting such a terrific event.

To enlarge photo, please click here.
Beyond Sickening
“A prominent plastic surgeon referred to genital sex change surgery as an ‘adventure' for young individuals...”

As a medical professional, I find the relentless promotion of mutilating gender surgeries – that leave permanent damage – beyond sickening.

To read article, please click here.
Visiting With Texas Anesthesiologists
 On Wednesday, I met with the Texas Society of Anesthesiologists to discuss the importance of providing the best care possible for our veterans.

To enlarge photo, please click here.
No Other Nation in the World...
To be clear: a mass of 200-plus ILLEGAL ALIENS stormed unlawfully into America, the riot charges against them were dismissed, AND they were released into the interior of the U.S.?!

No other nation in the world would allow this.

Liberals have lost their minds!

To read article, please click here.
Attention Liberty County Residents
If you need help with a federal agency, my mobile office will be in your area on Wednesday, May 29th. Please stop by!

Find more information on the flyer below.

To view flyer, please click here.
STRATA Act (H.R. 8459)
This bill requires abortion providers to know the signs of trafficking and notify the National Human Trafficking Hotline of victims.
Let Us Help You
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.

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Let us work on your behalf!

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