Press Releases
House Transportation Committee Passes Two Key Babin Amendments to Promote Drone Safety and Prevent New Traveling Fees
February 12, 2016
Washington, DC – The U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee unanimously approved two amendments this week offered by U.S. Rep. Brian Babin (TX-36) during the consideration of H.R. 4441, the Aviation Innovation, Reform and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act. The first amendment would set strict new guidelines for the operation of drones near chemical plants and oil refineries. “As the representative of the 36th Congressional District of Texas, which is home to more petrochemical and refining facilities than any other district in the country, I was proud to offer this amendment and secure the adoption of these provisions as a way to protect our oil and gas facilities and their employees from potentially hazardous and unauthorized drone activity,” said Rep. Babin. The American Chemistry Council (ACC) offered their strong support in a statement saying the “ACC and its members thank Congressman Babin for his tremendous leadership and for working tirelessly with Chairman Shuster to craft a sensible proposal that will promote the responsible use of drones. Today’s vote will help address a mounting security concern and help safeguard chemical facilities, which play a critical role in manufacturing products that are important to the everyday health and well-being of our nation. The provisions carefully target the potential misuse of drones for illicit purposes without interfering with their growing use by the public for recreation and their use for commercial applications. We strongly support the Committee’s action to include the amendment as part of the legislation to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration and encourage Congress to follow suit.” The second amendment offered by Babin would give the American people, through their elected representatives in Congress, a final check on the ability of the new ATC Corporation’s ability to assess and impose fees on the traveling public. “By allowing Congress a 90-day review period to block the implementation of any fee increase, my amendment would let the American people know where their elected representatives stand on any proposed fee increase, no matter who is in charge of imposing them,” said Babin. Both amendments were included in final passage H.R. 4441, the Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act, which reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), provides a number of reforms to our aviation system, and upholds the FAA’s role as the nation’s aviation safety regulator. The bill, which was approved by a vote of 32 to 26, now awaits further consideration by the full House of Representatives. |